Thérèse de Hemptinne, Jeroen Deploige, Jean-Louis Kupper, Walter Prevenier
Philippe Demonty
advisory board
Thomas Aigner, Jean-Marie Cauchies, Els De Paermentier, Eef Dijkhof, Jean-Marie Duvosquel, Adam J. Kosto, Ludo Milis, Sarah Rees Jones, Benoît-Michel Tock, Paul Tombeur, Raoul Van Caenegem (†), Jozef Van Loon, Karel Velle, Jean-Marie Yante
Database and Processing Software
Christophe Billiet, Guy De Tré (DDCM, Ghent University)
Geographical Applications
Xavier Baecke, Philippe Demonty, Bart De Wit
Web Design
Janpieter Chielens (Tijdsbeeld-Pièce montée nv, Gent)
Former Collaborators
Georges Declercq, Marie-Paul Laviolette, Katrien Naessens, Guy Triffin
Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo),
Hercules Foundation and Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO),
Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies at Ghent University (HPIMS)